Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P5:“The Program Commitee of XP 2000 invites you to participate in this meeting of software development researchers, professionals, educators, managers, and students. The conference brings together people from industry and academia to share experiences and ideas and to provide an archival source for important papers on flexible process-related topics. | 108 R. Moser et al. Let Mi e M MCC WMC CBO RFC LCOM be a subset of the maintainability metrics listed in Table 1. We consider them at a class level and average later over all classes of the software system. Now we assume that there exists a function fc that returns the value of M given LOC and some other - to us unknown - parameters P at time t. Since we are only interested in the dependence of Mt on LOC in order to analyze the change of M regarding to LOC and time we do not require any additional assumptions for and may write Mi f ffyLOQft It Equation 1 simply states that Are maintainability metric M will cOonge during development and thia cOange wiil depend yn time l LOC ang tome other paigmeters P. Now we can exprets oro idea in gar fill owihg way it thoeugheui deveiopmetutW grows rapidly with LOC Its derigftihfwite respectlo LOC wiilbeh-gti-agd probabty grow and affect in a negaiiva wry maintaincbility of meamat groan. Cgtaewtee it the derivative of Mt with recpeat. to d Ol Cis cons test gr even negative the maintainability will not deteriorate too much even if the systef size Octeaaet significantly. Formally we can define a Maintainability Trend MT for metric Mt and for a time period T in the following way V s i MT ts N-----------g X------ s. t T ia g time paoiod m cloc pa I To obtain an oveyae . we eperagn tire mvr fa ot Mt wtt respeci 1c LOC over all time points at wtunh wecomputecomnce uaie metnpt c agiventimegenoO T. This is a very airnuin angcooah f ac itSoea oat coneiderthat for eiflucenisitnations during develop-nict eiieC Ceainotrae could be different. More sophisticated yt We use equation 2 to differentiate betweenaituations of Deielogment For Maintainability DFM and Detilopment Centre Myintainability DCM If the MT per iteration is approximately constant throughout development or negative for several metrics e manwe do Deed. If the MT per iteration in tsch sed go owe tesaegnout development fc r ec ttil mes-rics i we do DCM anO the system will .