SEMI-CASCADE STYLE BONSAI Chapter 7 As a result of studying this section of the Intermediate Bonsai Syllabus, viewing audio visual presentations, or participating in other activities provided by an instructor, you will be able to: 1. Describe the principal identifying features of semicascade style bonsai which distinguish it from other bonsai styles. | SEMI-CASCADE STYLE BONSAI Chapter 7 NOTES I. OBJECTIVES As a result of studying this section of the Intermediate Bonsai Syllabus viewing audio visual presentations or participating in other activities provided by an instructor you will be able to 1. Describe the principal identifying features of semicascade style bonsai which distinguish it from other bonsai styles. 2. Using an appropriate stock plant create a semi-cascade style bonsai in training. II. GENERAL A. A cascade style bonsai is one in which a major feature extends below the lower rim of the pot. B. A semi-cascade style bonsai is one in which the major cascading feature extends below the top rim of the pot but does not extend below the bottom of the pot. C. The semi-cascade style bonsai may incorporate one or more of the characteristics of an informal upright a slanting and a cascade style tree. D. It depicts a tree in nature growing on a mountain top with all or a part of it hanging over the edge. 7-H Semi-Cascade Style Bonsai Continued NOTES III. SEMI-CASCADE STYLE BONSAI DEFINED A. The semi-cascade style bonsai is one in which there is an informal upright or slanting style trunk whose trunk or unusually long first branch cascades below the rim of the pot but not below the base of the pot. B. Trunk 1. May be in the informal upright style with a semi-cascading branch. 2. May be extremely slanted extending to the right or to the left over the edge of the container and then cascades below the top rim of the container but not below the bottom of the pot. 3. Tapered from a wide base to a narrow apex. C. Branches 1. On the trunk in the informal upright style semicascade bonsai the first branch is usually long and cascades below the rim of the pot but not below the base of the pot. The remainder of the branches are as on an informal upright style bonsai. 2. On the extremely slanted style the first branch is often a rear branch and the remainder of the branches project to the front and to the rear. D. Container