Tham khảo tài liệu 'ebook portable softwares part 31', công nghệ thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 1 megabyte and includes many effects and a sample project . REAPER supports ASIO Kernel Streaming WaveOut and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV OGG and MP3 files and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins DirectX and Jesusonic . REAPER also supports volume pan controls and envelopes per track multi-layer undo redo and user creatable color themes. Code http files 13095786 Passworld Quyanhnguyen UD S Portable RiverPast Video Cleaner Pro homepage Code http en prod videocleaner info Quote River Past Video Cleaner is River Past s award winning video converter software. With years of experience in video editing we understand some of the common issues when people try to move their loved home video to a modern media like DVD or VCD. There are many different video formats. Different video software may handle them differently and often a video clip plays fine in one application but won t play or play out of sync in another. River Past Video Cleaner uses standard Microsoft DirectShow components as its foundation with our own Pulse Regulator technology to streamline the timecode. We guarantee the compatibility of the encoded video and often it is the only way to fix out-of-sync problems in some videos. We understand that there are a lot of Mac users in the video editing field with a collection of QuickTime MOV videos. You want to transfer them to a DVDVideo but no DVD authoring software on Windows would accept MOV files. We have a solid QuickTime component and River Past Video Cleaner is the best solution to convert MOV to AVI or convert MOV to WMV. download Code http rapidshare. com files 12191002 Portable_RiverpastV ideoCleanerPro. exe no password Portable TMPGEnc XPress TMPGEnc XPress encoder is now twice as powerful as before. Offering the most common file formats including HDV import output along with DivX 6 AVI