TWENTY YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 65 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | TWENTY YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 65 65. The Workmen. Toward midnight Charles heard a great noise beneath his window. It arose from blows of hammer and hatchet clinking of pincers and cranching of saws. Lying dressed upon his bed the noise awoke him with a start and found a gloomy echo in his heart. He could not endure it and sent Parry to ask the sentinel to beg the workmen to strike more gently and not disturb the last slumber of one who had been their king. The sentinel was unwilling to leave his post but allowed Parry to pass. Arriving at the window Parry found an unfinished scaffold over which they were nailing a covering of black serge. Raised to the height of twenty feet so as to be on a level with the window it had two lower stories. Parry odious as was this sight to him sought for those among some eight or ten workmen who were making the most noise and fixed on two men who were loosening the last hooks of the iron balcony. My friends said Parry mounting the scaffold and standing beside them would you work a little more quietly The king wishes to get a sleep. One of the two who was standing up was of gigantic size and was driving a pick with all his might into the wall whilst the other kneeling beside him was collecting the pieces of stone. The face of the first was lost to Parry in the darkness but as the second turned around and placed his finger on his lips Parry started back in amazement. Very well very well said the workman aloud in excellent English. Tell the king that if he sleeps badly to-night he will sleep better to-morrow night. These blunt words so terrible if taken literally were received by the other workmen with a roar of laughter. But Parry withdrew thinking he was dreaming. Charles was impatiently awaiting his return. At the moment he re-entered the sentinel who guarded the door put his head through the opening curious as to what the king was doing. The king was lying on his bed resting on his elbow. Parry closed the door and .