Suse Linux For Dummies- P1:This part is all about getting you started on your way to a lasting relationship with SUSE Linux. Before you can begin your SUSE Linux experience, I spend a chapter explaining what SUSE Linux is and what you can do with SUSE Linux (pretty much anything you can do with a PC that runs Windows). | See why SUSE is Europe s favorite Linux flavor start using it today SUSE Linux FOR dummies Naba Barkakati O -oainuxAH-in-OneDesk P AoiSn For Qummies pease purchase PDF Split-1 With Special Edition ofSUSE A Reference nforthe-RestofUs eTips at dUmm eS Com. SUSE Linux DUMMIES by Naba Barkakati WILEY Wiley Publishing Inc. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this .