Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P22:Although the history of embedded systems is relatively short, 1 the advances and successes of this fi eld have been profound. Embedded systems are found in a vast array of applications such as consumer electronics, “ smart ” devices, communication equipment, automobiles, desktop computers, and medical equipment. | H-28 Appendix H Input Parameter thread_ptr Pointer to an application Thread Control Block. Return Values TX_SUCCESS10 0x00 Successful suspension of thread. TX_THREAD_ERROR 0x0E Invalid application thread pointer. TX_SUSPEND_ERROR9 0x14 Specified thread is in a terminated or completed state. TX_CALLER_ERROR 0x13 Invalid caller of this service. Allowed From Threads and timers Preemption Possible Yes Example TX_THREAD my_thread UINT status Suspend the thread represented by my_thread . status tx_thread_suspend my_thread If status equals TX_SUCCESS the application thread is unconditionally suspended. tx_thread_terminate Terminates an application thread Prototype UINT tx_thread_terminate TX_THREAD thread_ptr 10This value is not affected by the TX_DISABLE_ERROR_CHECKING define that is used to disable API error checking. Ple se purchase PDF on to remove this watermark. Thread Services H-29 Description This service terminates the specified application thread regardless of whether or not the thread is suspended. A thread may call this service to terminate itself. This service modifies the Thread Control Block through the parameter thread_ptr. NOTE Once terminated the thread must be deleted and re-created in order for it to execute again. Input Parameter thread_ptr Pointer to a previously created application thread s Control Block. Return Values TX_SUCCESS11 0X00 Successful thread termination. TX_THREAD_ERROR 0X0E Invalid application thread pointer. TX_CALLER_ERROR 0x13 Invalid caller of this service. Allowed From Threads and timers Preemption Possible Yes Example TX_THREAD my_thread UINT status Terminate the thread represented by my_thread . status tx_thread_terminate my_thread 11This value is not affected by the TX_DISABLE_ERROR_CHECKING define that is used to disable API error checking. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on o H-30 Appendix H If status equals TX_SUCCESS the thread is terminated and cannot execute