Professional Special Edition- P34:Those of us who are Microsoft developers can't help but notice that .NET has received a fair amount of visibility over the last year or so. This is quite surprising considering that for most of this period, .NET has been in its early infancy and beta versions. I can't remember any unreleased product that has caused this much interest among developers. And that's really an important point, because ignoring all the hype and press, .NET really is a product for developers, providing a great foundation for building all types of applications | if eventArgument inc Number Number 1 if eventArgument dec Number Number - 1 protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer The Number is a href javascript this inc Increase Number a or a href javascript this dec Decrease Number a The following HTML is rendered by this control html body form name ctrl0 method post action id ctrl0 input type hidden name __VIEWSTATE value dDwtMTM0MTQ1NDExNjt0PDtsPGk8MT47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwxPjs O2w8dDxwPGw8TnVtYmVyOz 47bDxpPDQ4Pjs Pjs7Pjs Pjs Pjs The Number is 48 a href javascript __doPostBack ctrl1 inc Increase Number a or a href javascript __doPostBack ctrl1 dec Decrease Number a input type hidden name __EVENTTARGET value input type hidden name __EVENTARGUMENT value script language javascript -- function doPostBack eventTarget eventArgument var theform eventTarget eventArgument -- script form body html Notice how the following script block containing the_doPostBack function is automatically rendered into the output stream when an server control calls the reference script language javascript -- function doPostBack eventTarget eventArgument var theform eventTarget eventArgument -- script This function is called by the script code returned from a href javascript __doPostBack ctrl1 inc