iPad BasicsTonya Engst- P12: This ebook is for you if you’re on the cusp of buying an iPad, if you’ve just bought an iPad and aren’t sure what to do with it, or if you’ve had an iPad for a while, but feel that you’re missing out on certain basic functions. | user folder. Exactly where they are stored depends on which operating system you are running Mac OS X Music iTunes iTunes Media Mobile Applications Windows XP My Documents My Music iTunes iTunes Media Mobile Applications Windows Vista Music iTunes iTunes Media Mobile Applications Windows 7 My Music iTunes iTunes Media Mobile Applications What s the in the path The paths above use a tilde to tell you to start from your user home folder. This is a common techie shortcut. To return an app to your iTunes library drag its file from the Mobile Applications folder into the iTunes window or to the iTunes icon on the Dock. Recover a Deleted App To recover a deleted app you can re-download it from the iTunes Store. Pretend you are buying it again and click the price button. iTunes will present a dialog telling you that you can download the app again for free just click OK. If you initially acquired the app through Home Sharing Copy it over once again from the shared iTunes library. 66 Download from Wow eBook Move Files and Data between the iPad and Your Computer By files and data I mean nearly anything digital ebooks audio books podcasts music calendar data contact information email messages iWork documents graphics photos and so on. Sometimes files and data arrive on the iPad directly from the Internet. For example if you configure the Mail app it will load your email. And if you install the Facebook app and use it to log in to your Facebook account you ll be able to see your profile and news feed. Further if you install the Kindle app and then use it to log in to your Kindle account you ll gain access to your Kindle ebooks. And apps such as Pandora Radio and Netflix can stream data to your iPad. However in this section I talk about what to do if you need to move data not between the iPad and an Internet service but instead between your iPad and your computer. Some of the options are straightforward because they involve a direct physical connection between