WebSphere Studio Application Developer part 2 provides integrated development tools for all e-business development roles, including Web developers, Java developers, business analysts, architects, and enterprise programmers. The customizable, targeted, role-based approach of WebSphere Studio Application Developer will be characteristic of all new products built on the WebSphere Studio Workbench. It is well integrated with WebSphere Application Server and provides built-in server test environments that can be used for testing and profiling Web applications | Object-relational Implementing the session Creating the session bean .416 Creating an EJB Editing the session Generating the deployed Completing the EJB deployment Changing the data source for EJB Testing the Universal test Adapting the Web Web project EJB Testing the Web Chapter 13. Developing Web The concept of a service-oriented architecture SOA .442 Web services approach for an SOA Web services tools in Application Bottom-up development of a Web Top-down development of a Web Client Preparation for Creating a Web service from a Creating the Web service using the Web Service Generated Testing the Web Using the sample test Using the universal test Creating a Web service Run the Web Service Client Creating a Web service from a session Implementing a real client More Chapter 14. Developing GUI Introduction to the Visual Editor for Sample Setting up your sample Launching the Visual Create a visual x WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide Open an existing class with the Visual Visual Editor look and Customizing the appearance of the Visual Changing the default Java Working with the Visual Resizing a JavaBean Code Add JavaBeans to a visual Working with the Properties Working with the Java Beans Extending the sample Adding data to the Adding additional methods to the sample Writing event handling Running and .