UNIT 4 : BIG OR SMALL PREIOD 20 LESSON 1 A1 - 3 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about Posessions, through a reading text of a school description. VISUAL AIDS : Pelmanism cards, coloured chalk. 1- Warmer : Pelmanism : 10 cards I His Thu My He Your You Her She Thu ‘s T introduces the lesson : Thu ‘s : Possession. 2 - Pre - teach : big small in the city in the country 3 - Pre - Reading : Matching big in the country Phong ‘s school Thu ‘s school small in. | UNIT 4 BIG OR SMALL PREIOD 20 LESSON 1 A1 - 3 AIM By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about Posessions through a reading text of a school description. VISUAL AIDS Pelmanism cards coloured chalk. 1- Warmer Pelmanism 10 cards I Thu He You She His My Your Her Thu s T introduces the lesson Thu s Possession. 2 - Pre - teach big in the city small in the country 3 - Pre - Reading Matching big Phong s school small in the country Thu s school in the city Ss guess what P s T s school is like and where it is. FB on bb. 4 - While Reading A1 - Ss read the text and check their matching. FB on bb use coloured chalk Comprehension Qs a - d A2 5 - Post Reading Model Sentences Is Phong s school Thu s school Your brother s school small Yes it is No it isn t is not Concept check Meaning . Use Possesions Form Noun S compare Phong s school is small . His school is small. Pron. as in plural Ns. Yes No Question - Answer Drill Cues on bb Phong s school Thu s school big small Your school in the city Your house in country Your brother s school Your sister s school Exchange 51 Is Phong s school big 52 No it isn t. 51 Is it in the country 52 Yes it is. Further Practice Realia chain game T collects real objects from Ss erases plus . and holds them up. T demonstrates in front of the class. Ss play the game. 51 Dao s pencil. 52 Dao s pencil and Hai s ruler. 53 Dao s pencil Hai s ruler and Dung s pen. 6 - HOMEWORK Copy the text A1 into your .