Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 122 provides a wide variety of perspectives on both traditional and more recent views of Earth's resources. It serves as a bridge connecting the domains of resource exploitation, environmentalism, geology, and biology, and it explains their interrelationships in terms that students and other nonspecialists can understand. The articles in this set are extremely diverse, with articles covering soil, fisheries, forests, aluminum, the Industrial Revolution, the . Department of the Interior, the hydrologic cycle, glass, and placer mineral deposits. . | Global Resources Unit Quantity Symbol Equivalents Rod square Area rd2 square meters square yards acre Second Time s or sec 1 60 minute 1 3600 hour Tablespoon Volume capacity T or tb 3 teaspoons 4 fluid drams Teaspoon Volume capacity t or tsp tablespoon fluid drams Ton gross or long Mass weight t 2 240 pounds net tons metric tons Ton metric Mass weight t 1 000 kilograms 2 pounds gross ton net tons Ton net or short Mass weight t 2 000 pounds gross ton metric ton Volt Electric potential V 1 joule per coulomb Watt Power W 1 joule per second kilowatt x 10 4 ton of refrigeration Yard Length yd meter Yard cubic Volume capacity yd3 cubic meter Yard square Area yd2 square meter Ixxxiv Complete List of Contents Volume 1 Publisher s Common Units of Complete List of Acid Aerial Agenda Agricultural Agriculture Air pollution and air pollution Alaska Alloys .28 American Chemistry American Farm Bureau American Forest and Paper American Gas American Mining American Petroleum Animal Animal Animal Animals as a medical Antarctic Antiquities Army Corps of Engineers Asbestos . 68 Asphalt . 73 Aspinall Astor John Athabasca oil sands . 77 Atmosphere. 79 Atomic Energy Acts . 83 Atomic Energy Commission . 84 Australia . 85 Austria . 90 Bessemer Biological Biosphere .