Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A của Hướng dẫn mới bắt đầu Thông thường, bạn không muốn triển khai các thư mục App_Data bởi vì nó có thể giữ một tập tin cơ sở dữ liệu là rất lớn và sẽ làm chậm ứng dụng của bạn đáng kể. Tất nhiên, nếu bạn có cài đặt SQL Server Express tại địa điểm triển khai và cần có cơ sở dữ liệu App_Data được triển khai, kiểm tra hộp này bao gồm các cơ sở dữ liệu trong triển khai. | 326 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 A Beginner s Guide Normally you don t want to deploy the App_Data folder because it might hold a database file that is huge and would slow down your application considerably. Of course if you have SQL Server Express installed at the deployment location and need the database in App_Data to be deployed check this box to include the database in the deployment. Click Publish to deploy your service. When deployment is complete you ll see a message on the VS status bar stating either Publish Succeeded or Publish Failed. If publishing fails open the Output window ctrl-w o to see the reason why. There are many reasons a deployment can fail so look at the error message to see if it s something that makes sense to you. Verify that your Web site is properly set up as explained in the preceding section. Other sources of information include the Microsoft Developer Network MSDN at http where you can search for Knowledge Base support articles. Alternatively you can copy the error message and paste it into your favorite search engine. Many problems with deployment surround IIS setup so it is worthwhile to learn more about how IIS works. McGraw-Hill offers Windows Server 2008 A Beginner s Guide by Marty Matthews 2008 which does include IIS 7 information. There s also a Windows Server 2003 edition if you are deploying to IIS 6. Now that you know how to develop and deploy a WCF service you ll need to know how to write programs that use that service which is covered next. Communicating with a WCF Service Any .NET application can communicate with a Web service. In fact one of the benefits of having a Web service is to expose functionality that can be used by multiple applications. In theory any application on any platform can communicate via Web services because the underlying technology relies on open standards such as HTTP and XML. In practice the goal of cross-platform communication is an advanced technique accomplished by .