Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 12 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments | 92 Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs CUSTOMERID LASTNAME ENTEREDD 1487 JOHNSON 28-JAN-10 --Change the NLS parameters for sort and case SQL alter session set NLS_COMP LINGUISTIC SQL alter session set NLS_SORT GERMAN_CI SQL select customer_id last_name entered_date from example_sort where last_name JOHNSON CUSTOMERID LASTNAME ENTEREDD 1032 Johnson 1487 JOHNSON --The date is also now changed because of the client connection was set as NLS_LANG and date format is also set as German standard. Of course the application itself can ensure consistent data by allowing only certain formats to even make it into the database. These examples were just intended to demonstrate the use of the NLS parameters for language. The character set allows for the international characters to be stored and the base for globalization of the database and the other parameters help with region and understanding how data is being retrieved to adjust sorts dates and other formats accordingly. Setting the Environment Variable for NLS_LANG The nls_lang parameter should be part of the environment variable setup and on the database server you want to set the value to be the same as the character set. When you are exporting or importing files that require character set conversions the utilities may not be able to import the records because the records in a different character set might not fit in the datatype length for the database character set. Example error message value too large Some rows will import only those that don t fit will fail ORA-02374 conversion error loading table TBL1 ORA-12899 value too large for column COL1 actual 263 maximum 255 Data Pump jobs will use the NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter but nonEnglish parameter files will use nls_lang so setting this variable correctly is important for character set conversions. mi. export NLS_LANG exp FULL Y file log Chapter 4 Database .