Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 19. KEY BENEFIT: C++ programming concepts and techniques are presented in a straightforward style using understandable language and code. KEY TOPICS: C++ Basics; Flow of Control; Function Basics; Parameters and Overloading; Arrays; Structures and Classes; Constructors; Operator Overloading, Friends, and References; Strings; Pointers and Dynamic Arrays; Separate Compilation and Namespaces; Streams and File I/O; Recursion; Inheritance; Polymorphism and Virtual Functions; Templates; Linked Data Structures; Exception Handling; Standard Template Library; Patterns and UML. MARKET: Useful for both beginning and intermediate C++ programmers. . | 182 Arrays If the value of i is 3 then the argument is a 3 . On the other hand if the value of i is 0 then this call is equivalent to the following myFunction a 0 The indexed expression is evaluated in order to determine exactly which indexed variable is given as the argument. Self-Test Exercises 11. Consider the following function definition void tripler int n n 3 n Which of the following are acceptable function calls int a 3 4 5 6 number 2 tripler a 2 tripler a 3 tripler a number tripler a tripler number 12. What if anything is wrong with the following code The definition of tripler is given in Self-Test Exercise 11. int b 5 1 2 3 4 5 for int i 1 i 5 i tripler b i ENTIRE ARRAYS AS FUNCTION ARGUMENTS array A function can have a formal parameter for an entire array so that when the function is called the argument that is plugged in for this formal parameter is an entire array. However a formal parameter for an entire array is neither a call-by-value parameter nor a call-by-reference parameter it is a new kind of formal parameter referred to as an array parameter. Let s start with an example. The function defined in Display has one array parameter a which will be replaced by an entire array when the function is called. It also has one ordinary call-by-value parameter size that is assumed to be an integer value equal to the size of the array. This function fills its array argument that is fills all the array s indexed variables Arrays in Functions 183 Display Function with an Array Parameter Function Declaration void fillUp int a int size Precondition size is the declared size of the array a. The user will type in size integers. Postcondition The array a is filled with size integers from the keyboard. Function Definition void fillUp int a int size cout Enter size numbers n for int i 0 i size i cin a i cout The last array index used is size - 1 endl with values typed in from the keyboard the function then outputs a message to the screen telling the index of .