Một trong những niềm vui làm việc với Joomla! hệ thống dễ dàng mà bạn có thể tạo một trang web hấp dẫn. Không giống như nhiều hệ thống quản lý nội dung khóa bạn thành một cách tiếp cận tiêu chuẩn hóa cookiecutter, để thiết kế trang web, Joomla! có tính linh hoạt tuyệt vời. | Part IV Customizing and Extending the System IN THIS PART Chapter 20 Customizing Joomla Templates Chapter 21 Customizing Joomla Functionality Chapter 22 Extending Your Site Chapter 23 Implementing e-Commerce with VirtueMart Chapter 24 Creating a Community Site with JomSocial CHAPTER Customizing Joomla Templates One of the joys of working with the Joomla system is the ease with which you can create an attractive web site. Unlike many other content management systems that lock you into a standardized cookie- IN THIS CHAPTER cutter approach to site design Joomla has great flexibility. You can create virtually any look and feel you want. Moreover the widespread popularity of Joomla has resulted in a large number of pre-existing templates being available in the market often for little or no cost. This chapter takes you through the basics of understanding how Joomla templates work and then digs in more deeply to explain how you can customize an existing template or how you can even go further and build your own from scratch. Discovering How the Templates Work The Joomla template files are responsible for what is seen on the screen by your visitors. When a visitor to your Web site clicks on a link it sets off a process that culminates in the production of a web page inside their browser. The final step in that process is the rendering of the page inside the template. Though some elements for example modules and components have their own templates that control the look and feel of a particular bit of output all of those various elements are brought together inside the template. Discovering how the templates work Exploring the default templates Knowing the parts of a template Introducing the Template Manager Customizing templates Controlling the appearance of menus Working with module chrome Overriding pagination formatting Creating a new template Working with the admin template Cross-Reference In Chapter 21 there is a discussion of how to control and override the output .