How to Display Data- P5:The best method to convey a message from a piece of research in health is via a fi gure. The best advice that a statistician can give a researcher is to fi rst plot the data. Despite this, conventional statistics textbooks give only brief details on how to draw fi gures and display data. | 12 How to Display Data in England and Wales for the years 1912-2004 using the European Standard The baseline that groups are compared to can be further obscured in other less deliberate ways than by simply changing the origin. Figure shows the age-standardised death rates from different causes in the UK from 1996 to 2005 for death rates fromthedifferent causes havebeenstacked on top of each othcvfor andiyean Inprcctice ntee the afhs from CO PD and the total VeaaheOeomvll sovencautee ctfbo comeaesh simphyover time. This is becausethfOasuline foerVoothee irtiffi-cult to decifefor the majn riiyof othoeceutes whethesthoeuare anyohanuee over time wrth rhe poislVieexdeution ut ceeebrovteaiheadstefrrond heart disease . There deta mightne more hoeUOllyVitployedbyuaesenOmg nine different rates ar diUeoont lints with fhessm fY-anis atrhown . Don tondenthedatabyvaiue For categorical data with no intrinsic order to the categories a good oyto obsourornypat io the dataisto order rhe categories arbitrarily for example alphabetically. Figure shows the population size in 2004 for fO Euto-osm Tfe eoontries cot displaxod in alphabetical order ictUitcaee whflc ige mnctpopoeouecnvnteieGe nrny can be readily sh i ci for coemtrieect oimitercizsiiSuch ar Oeance italy eoetire How to display data badly 1 3 Age-standardised death rate per million 3000 1000 500 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure Age-standardised death rates from different causes in the UK by year 1996-2005 for women deathratesstackadontop czi Lung cancer czi Breast cancer czi Ovarian cancer I I Diabetes Heart disease. Cerebrovasculardisease a CORD Year -------COPD --------Cerebrovascular disease . Breast cancer -------- Lung cancer -------Heart disease -------Ovarian cancer ------- Diabetes Figure Age-standardised death rates from different causes in the UK by year .