How to Display Data- P17:The best method to convey a message from a piece of research in health is via a fi gure. The best advice that a statistician can give a researcher is to fi rst plot the data. Despite this, conventional statistics textbooks give only brief details on how to draw fi gures and display data. | 71 How to Display Data I Pain n 215 1 Role-physical n 1 91 1 1 Role-emotional n 1 91 i General health n 1 90 r Physical functioning n 1 91 i - 1 Vitality r 1 91 i 1 1 Social functioning n 215 i 1 i Mental health n 191 i u 1 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Favnursusualcare Mean difference Favours acupuncture Figure Estimated treatment effect mean difference in SF-36 score between the acupuncture and usual care groups and the correspondieg 95 confidence interval at 12 months for the eight dimensions of the in Table r noS examptethesampldsSze per tgeatment group and mean scores and their variability are omitted. These are important results and this information should be reported. Hence for presentation in a scientific reportorpaper Table ispreferred. Forest ploSs can Oso be ureeut whaw repottino the retuhe of iquivrtercr friais as the lim-CsoC tauivhienaecanbeeasélyincluded oe lhu chrsS. Theobjrc-tive of an equivalence -rib IsCootow thotanew ehctrpu hcs the same or very similar effect ac vn oxictinoSheecpy se -fi regordstotha ouliomrof mteresS. Before an enuinelenceRiae it caesiod ooU tUtliorirscifequ v Usueeartvgt wd so that afterOrefrtiO rdecittro ran be mediet to whothet tOrfrcetments art equivalent. TRett pre-rpetcfieOhmiessliould be næroweuoughrooxuiunr any differenceof dOni imriortaucei After the frlalirqRvneencris usosC-accepted if tboconfidenoe iutornaCfoe eayt bttrvenfreat megtdi7tero7ve is within the limito of squh 7tehei rnd meluCet u vahce ci zero differente. Bowns et aU repo-r aUr c-suRo oO a RCb oO Sutemedicine in The objectives orchis ttuOe wereto aomoare -ht elinicrl ruuivalanceoC store-and-ftrwaad toredermatorooy mtsuventioo wiCheoo oentionat fece-to-face consultatioe iao vIsoIS mtettmh - manae-men-hle-i Ottnscvudufti reirrtrls. A toOrO e- 200 poCentt weoe ueRlc nnsod lia Oz o telemedicine geouounb9g in thecreRrol geuup ord raSpatitnts 4O i ior-vention 73 norfroahan dnSaUornnnlysis. For both itae .