How to Display Data- P22:The best method to convey a message from a piece of research in health is via a fi gure. The best advice that a statistician can give a researcher is to fi rst plot the data. Despite this, conventional statistics textbooks give only brief details on how to draw fi gures and display data. | Time series plots and survival curves 97 5 Pocock SJ Clayton TC Altman DG. Survival plots of time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials good practice and pitfalls. Lancet t002- 359A686-9. 6 Morrell CJ Walters SJ Dixon S Collins K Brereton LML Peters J et al. Cost effectiveness of community legulcer clinicrnndomised controlledtriel. British Medical Journal 1998 316 1487-9k Chapter 9 Displaying results in presentations Introduction The principle aim of any research presentation or paper is to communicate the results 9 . study d taporum . .spec of this ts to have an awareness of the intended audience and format available for conveying the relevant men principle involvedwhendisplaying results in either preventationcoc papers is similar- sbovenlleise Veepct simple-different formate lend tiiemrelvee to diS dereist erpas of dieplny mid wlist it appropriate for a pansr or pottev may noi bs appropsiate for v preventtH Sion. This clnielf twill ereusonhow topevrcni information Se an andienca as part of a sominar or eresentptioVlmlPudinghowtode tigngnodqofhsty readable slihaa TOvsr a otv ucOaa Shrparsodpreisnting eahmaka or borak a rn onl-temp apers Taabren cnorreainprenii ous chapters When givmdatlor llprcseiltatiintent rudietiae -Tarasp esepaaalhPinti to be consihcav . i i important to Severn awarenesa ofwho-hepndirnce are what in en-n i rKt lr to be presented and how this information is to be delivered. An mtvpaat ppstof prvrfntingmformationvaeVp p Is havmh p reS of well-designee liiPrseoeVrinmgieaormption vhpeopriptrto thr sodiv ct. Well-designed cliVrs psiSv m nSs unlscrni Ov rmsrmously usrfutpnpgreatiy enhpnce a veesenevtion whitsr pooth deslgnePaliPosmiihmppvropsip-e visuals can spoil avolhaewiseinfoTPlatipepressntation. MoaVoV itus section will be ooneernaS wite gnoPeltTrVesign aitln di emi arethai ieof fundamenteS impnetanas when c smmLimcatitis mfoematiov Co we aiidivn i s there is littki ure havmgToodquvHty lamias .