Báo cáo này là rất chi tiết, danh sách các tính mức độ (64KB hoặc tám trang dữ liệu) và sử dụng dữ liệu trang của mỗi bảng và chỉ mục trong cơ sở dữ liệu. ■ DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP ('filegroup'): Tương tự như một CHECKDB DBCC nhưng giới hạn ở những quy định filegroup chỉ | Part VI Enterprise Data Management Object-level validation DBCC CHECKDB performs a host of database structural-integrity checks. It s possible to run these checks individually. For example if you have a very large database VLDB then it may not be possible to run DBCC CHECKDB on the entire database but you may be able to run individual checks on key database objects. If the database requires repair always use the full DBCC CHECKDB over one of the lesser versions DBCC CHECKALLOC database A subset of DBCC CHECKDB that checks the allocation of all pages in the database. The report is very detailed listing the extent count 64KB or eight data pages and data-page usage of every table and index in the database. DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP filegroup Similar to a DBCC CHECKDB but limited to the specified filegroup only. DBCC CHECKTABLE table Performs physical and logical integrity checks on the table and all its non-clustered indexes unless the NOINDEX option is used . DBCC CLEANTABLE database table Reclaims space from a varchar nvarchar text or ntext column that was dropped from the table. Data integrity Above the physical-structure layer of the database is the data layer which can be verified by the following DBCC commands DBCC CHECKCATALOG database Checks the integrity of the system tables within a database ensuring referential integrity among tables views columns and data types. While it will report any errors under normal conditions no detailed report is returned. This is also run as a part of DBCC CHECKDB. DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS table constraint Examines the integrity of a specific constraint or all the constraints for a table. It essentially generates and executes a query to verify each constraint and reports any errors found. As with DBCC CHECKCATALOG if no issues are detected then nothing is reported. DBCCCHECKIDENT table Verifies the consistency of the current identity-column value and the identity column for a specific table. If a problem exists then the next value for the