cài đặt SQL Server, vì vậy bạn cần phải thiết lập nó để tự khởi động sau khi cài đặt) Đây là một bước cơ bản, nhưng đôi khi bị bỏ qua (và sau đó, sau khi khởi động lại máy chủ một ai đó, không có công ăn việc làm và chạy theo lịch trình., thậm chí có thể tồi tệ hơn, cảnh báo quan trọng không bị phát hiện). | Part VI Enterprise Data Management install SQL Server so you ll always need to set it to start automatically after an installation. This is an elementary step but it is occasionally overlooked and then after someone restarts the server none of the scheduled jobs run and perhaps even worse critical alerts go undetected . Best Practice The best way to avoid problems with services not restarting is to set them to start automatically. Here s how to do that 1. Open the Services console found in the Administrative Tools folder of the Control Panel. 2. Right-click the SQL Server Agent Instance service and choose Properties from the context menu. 3. Select Automatic in the Startup Type field and click OK. The SQL Server Agent service is displayed as SQL Server Agent with the instance name appearing in parentheses. The instance name is MSSQLSERVER for default instance of SQL Server. If more than one SQL Server instance is installed on the server a SQL Server Agent service will exist for each instance. As with any service the SQL Server Agent startup mode can be changed through the Services console in the Control Panel. However another way to accomplish the same goal is to use the SQL Server Configuration Manager found by selecting Start O Programs O Microsoft SQL Server 2008 O Configuration Tools O SQL Server Configuration Manager. The SQL Server Configuration Manager appears in Figure 43-1. In this figure you can see three instances of the SQL Server Agent service. SQL Server Agent MSSQLSERVER is the SQL Server Agent for the default SQL Server MSSQLSERVER instance. The services named SQL Server Agent INST1 and SQL Server Agent INST2 are the SQL Server Agent instances for the SQL Server named instances SQL Server INST1 and SQL Server INST2 respectively. Follow these steps to ensure that the startup mode of the SQL Server Agent service is set to automatic 1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager. 2. Highlight the SQL Server Services folder. 3. Right-click the service you