Thêm nội dung báo cáo đó không phải là nằm trong một bảng hoặc ma trận. Các hộp văn bản có thể chứa văn bản tĩnh hoặc một biểu thức hoặc có thể được liên kết với một trường dữ liệu. Thêm tách hình ảnh và định dạng cho báo cáo. Hình chữ nhật cũng có thể được sử dụng để các nhóm khác, cho phép họ được đối xử như một nhóm để có vị trí và / hoặc khả năng hiển thị. | PartX Business Intelligence TABLE 73-1 Visual Studio 2008 Report Items Report Item Description Textbox Adds report content that is not located within a table or matrix. The textbox can contain static text or an expression or can be bound to a data field. Line Rectangle Adds visual separation and formatting to a report. Rectangles can also be used to group other items enabling them to be treated as a group for placement and or visibility. They also enable multiple controls to be placed where by default you can only place a textbox. Image Places an image in the report. The image source can be Embedded Project Database or the Web. Table Renders the dataset in a Tablix with a fixed set of columns. The item contains many options to control how the data is grouped sorted exported and presented. A report can contain multiple tables providing the capability to include data from multiple datasets and data sources in a single report. Begin with a Table instead of a Matrix if the data will be presented primarily as fixed columns. Matrix Renders a dataset as a crosstab. For example the Matrix report item could show total sales by region as row headers and periods as column headers enabling the column headers to change over time based on the underlying dataset. Multiple column row and detail criteria can be added to the Matrix report item. Begin with a Matrix instead of a Table when the data will be presented primarily with variable column headers. List The list is bound to a dataset. The content of a list is repeated for each row in the dataset or for each grouped row if group criteria are specified. The body of the list represents the template for the report items to be displayed. The report author places items within the template free-form without the spatial constraints of a table. Chart This item includes a wide variety of charts and provides extensive control over the chart type and formatting. Gauge Similar to charts gauges come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. But