Designing a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Infrastructure Vol 2 part 40. This course is intended for IT Professionals who use Microsoft SharePoint 2010 in a team-based, medium-sized to large environment. While they may have implemented a SharePoint deployment, they have limited experience in designing a SharePoint infrastructure. They likely work as a senior administrator who acts as a technical lead over a team of administrators. Members of this audience should have at least 6 months experience with SharePoint 2010. | Lab 7 Planning Managed Metadata L7-5 8. In the Term set import dialog box click OK. 9. Scroll up the page and then click the Central Administration link. Exercise 4 Publishing a Content Type Task 1 Create a new site collection called Marketing 1. Under Application Management click Create site collections. 2. In the Title and Description section in the Title box type Marketing 3. In the Web Site Address section in the URL box type marketing 4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and in the Primary Site Collection Administrator section in the User name box type ed and click Check Names and then click OK. 5. On the Top-Level Site Successfully Created page click OK. Task 2 Create a custom content type in the CTHub site collection 1. Press CTRL T to open a new tab and then go to http sites cthub. 2. On the CTHub home page click Site Actions and then click Site Settings. 3. Under Galleries click Site content types. 4. In Site Content Types click Create. 5. In the Name box type Marketing Document 6. In the Description box type Marketing Document 7. In the Select parent content type from list click Document Content Types. 8. In the Parent Content Type list click Document. 9. Under Put this site content type into click New group and in the box type Contoso and then click OK. Task 3 Publish the custom content type 1. Under Settings click Manage publishing for this content type. 2. Ensure that Publish is selected and then click OK. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED L7-6 Module 7 Planning Managed Metadata Task 4 Run timer jobs manually 1. In Windows Internet Explorer click the Application Management tab. 2. Click the Central Administration link and then click Monitoring. 3. Under Timer Jobs click Review job definitions. 4. Scroll down the page and then click Content Type Hub. 5. Click Run Now. 6. Scroll down the page and then click Content Type Subscriber - SharePoint -80. 7. Click Run Now. Task 5 Verify that the custom content type is available in .