22 Control of Robots Introduction Hierarchical Control of Robots Mission Layer • Task Layer • Action Layer Control of a Single Joint of the Robot Model of Actuator and Joint Dynamics • Synthesis of Servosystem • Influence of Variable Moments of Inertia • Influence of Gravity Moment and Friction • Synthesis of the Servosystem for Trajectory Tracking Miomir Vukobratovi´ c Mihajlo Pupin Institute Control of Simultaneous Motion of Several Robot Joints Analysis of the Influence of Dynamic Forces • Dynamic Control of Robots • Inverse Problem Technique • Effects of Payload Variation and the Notion of Adaptive Control Dragan Stoki´ c ATB Institute Introduction This chapter is dedicated. | 22 Control of Robots Miomir VukobratoviC Mihajlo Pupin Institute Dragan StokiC ATB Institute Introduction Hierarchical Control of Robots Mission Layer Task Layer Action Layer Control of a Single Joint of the Robot Model of Actuator and Joint Dynamics Synthesis of Servosystem Influence of Variable Moments of Inertia Influence of Gravity Moment and Friction Synthesis of the Servosystem for Trajectory Tracking Control of Simultaneous Motion of Several Robot Joints Analysis of the Influence of Dynamic Forces Dynamic Control of Robots Inverse Problem Technique Effects of Payload Variation and the Notion of Adaptive Control Introduction This chapter is dedicated to the synthesis of basic control of manipulation robots. Because the successful application of robots in industry and other domains often depends to a great extent upon the efficiency reliability and capabilities of a control system it is obvious that the synthesis of adequate control systems is of the highest importance for further application of robotics in industrial practice. Control systems of robots can be realized in different ways. Historically speaking different openloop control systems were applied to control the first manipulation robots. However current robots include digital microprocessor -based control systems that enable flexible specification of the tasks adaptation to environment changes etc. A robot s joints are controlled by servo-systems or servos based on the feedback loops providing information on positions velocity and accelerations of the joints. In this chapter we mainly focus upon the synthesis of servos for robots. In order to enable efficient specification of the tasks to be fulfilled by the robot modern control systems include options to specify directly desired the position of the gripper hand . To accomplish various tasks the hand of the robot or the payload or the tool has to be placed in the desired locations at the workplace and take the desired .