Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P24:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | Change Alpha Values Using a Shape Tween Transparency refers to an objects ability to allow light to pass through. A piece of clear glass is said to be totally transparent while a thick sheet of black cardboard is considered opaque you can t see through it at all . Opacity is a measurement of an object s transparency. In Flash an object s transparency value is called its Alpha value. If an object s Alpha value is set to 100 underlying objects can t be seen at all no light passes through an object with a 100 Alpha value. If the Alpha value of an object is set to 0 it becomes totally transparent you can t see the object . An object s Alpha value is an attribute of the object s color and is therefore available from the same Color panel that you use to change other color values. The Alpha value is an attribute of an object s color. When applying Alpha values less than 100 you should understand that the colors contained in a partially transparent object mix with the colors of any underlying objects. For example if you placed a partially transparent yellow object on top of a blue object the portions of the objects that overlap would appear green yellow blue green . The shade of green depends on the original colors as well as the transparency value of the uppermost object. 1. With open add a keyframe in Frame 30 of the Graduate layer. 2. Use the Selection tool to select the fill of the graduate s hat. You are working on the new keyframe you just created. 3. On the Color panel change the Alpha value for the fill in Frame 30 to 10 . Û t 5 10 15 20 25 S 3S 40 45 so nJ Oxk Shape . 1 L .H u B f IÜ Jjn -1 K a o H X fps j_ _1 cfc gsml Change the Alpha In Frame 30 to 10 value 4. Repeat the procedure on the purple fill in the graduate s head and shoulders. 102 Project 2 Animotod Icons 5. Apply a shape tween between Frames 21 and 30 and then play the animation. The graduate starts out small gets larger and then begins to fade away at least the purple part of .