Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P35:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | Summary Tliis project introduced you to symbols graphics movie clips and buttons. You learned how to create new symbols from imported Illustrator artwork how to import symbols from an external file and how to manage multiple symbols using a Library. You now understand that symbols have their own Stage which you use to edit symbol including the special frames of a button symbol and the frames that control animation within a movie clip. Import symbols from external libraries Create animated movie clip symbols Edit movie clip symbols on their own stages Place multiple named instances of movie clip symbols Replace symbols with animated buttons Create animated button symbols with varying Hit frames Program buttons to affect placed movie clip instances Project 3 Interactive Pork Map Portfolio Builder Project 3 The assistant program director for the Field Museum in Chicago recently spent his family vacation in Florida. When he and his family visited Seabreeze Park he was impressed with the interactive map that you created for the park kiosks. He has hired you to create a similar kind of map for the Field Museum. Download the museum s floor plans plan_visit . Create symbols and buttons to identify the different facilities and services throughout the museum. Add artwork images and color however you prefer to identify the different exhibit halls and other areas of the museum. We currently have PDF maps that people can download and print from the Internet but we are in the process of building an interactive electronic self-guided tour that can be rented from the information services office. Were planning on something a bit larger than a handheld MP3 player it will be able to play audio files about different exhibits or even video files about related topics. We think the interactive map will be an excellent added service for this program. Can you use the PDF maps we have now to create new interactive versions We hunted through our archives .