Trong phần siêu dữ liệu, thay đổi các văn bản của Metadata Settings. Siêu dữ liệu quan trọng cho công cụ tìm kiếm-nhưng nếu bạn để lại văn bản mặc định không thay đổi, công cụ tìm kiếm sẽ tìm thấy thông tin về Joomla! thay vì thông tin về SRUP. Trong các mô tả trang web toàn cầu siêu, nhập: | Chapter 4 Wrapping up Change site settings The one-hour website is finished. However there are a few adjustments to be made in the backend. Time for action - change site configuration The site configuration still shows some default values that don t match the new site contents. Let s enter the appropriate site name and add site metadata. 1. Navigate to Site Global Configuration. 2. In the Site Settings section enter the Site Name SRUP - Ugly Paintings Society. This is the site information that will be shown on in the Title Bar of the visitors web browser ö SRUP - Ugly Paintings Society - Mozilla Firefox 3. In the Metadata section change the text of Metadata Settings. Metadata are important for search engines but if you leave the default text unchanged search engines will find information on Joomla instead of information on SRUP. In the Global Site Meta Description enter SRUP is an international Society For the Reappreciation of Ugly Paintings. 4. In the Global Site Meta Keywords enter a few keywords that characterize the site s contents ugly paintings bad painting bad art SRUP. What just happened By entering a few lines in the Global Configuration screen we ve made sure the right site name shows up in the visitors web browser and search engines pick up the right information about the site s contents. Pop quiz - test your basic Joomla knowledge 1. What can you use the built-in Joomla CSS editor for a To add some content containers b To change the appearance of your site c To change menu settings ---------------------------------------------------- 107 ----------------------------------------------------- Web Building Basics Creating a Site in an Hour 2. In what order do you add articles and menu links a Create menu links first then add articles b Add articles first then create menu links c You can choose whatever order you like 3. What do you use components and extensions for a Adding extras such as newsletters or contact forms b Adding content that only registered