Sau khi nhấp vào Đăng ký, bạn được đưa đến trang chủ. Trên trang chủ, Joomla! hiển thị tin nhắn hệ thống: tài khoản của bạn đã được tạo ra và một liên kết kích hoạt đã được gửi tới địa chỉ e-mail bạn đã nhập | Chapter 9 2. After clicking on Register you are taken to the home page. On the home page Joomla displays a system message Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link when you get the e-mail before you can login. 237 Opening Up the Site Enabling Users to Contribute and Interact 3. Joomla will now send an automatically generated e-mail that contains a link you must click on to activate your new user account. You ll be taken to the home page and a confirmation message will be displayed Your Account has been successfully activated. You can now login using the username and password you chose during the registration. What just happened You re now officially a member of your own site Try it out by using the Login Form on the home page. Enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button. Login Form Username johnpainter Password Remember Me I-Login Forgot your password Forgotyour username Create an account 238 Chapter 9 Hiding content for non-registered users Creating exclusive member content doesn t take much more than setting the access level of an item to Registered. This item will be hidden for regular users but it will show up for those who have logged in. Most of Joomlal s building blocks can be set to a specific Access Level. Whether this block is just one specific page or a module or all of the contents of a specific category you can set it to be visible to registered users only. This basically means that you can make your site look very different to different types of users. Public users may only see a basic website registered users have the same content plus a whole bunch of extra articles menus menu links or modules. Time for action - hiding content for non-registered users Let s explore how how hiding content works. By default every menu item is visible the Access Level is set to Public. We ll change that setting for .