Nhận được nhiều nhất của trang web của bạn: Mở rộng Joomla! Khi bạn đã có Joomla cơ bản của bạn chạy! Trang web lên và chạy, và bạn đã có tất cả nội dung và chức năng của bạn được bảo hiểm, rất có thể là bạn sẽ muốn nhiều hơn nữa. Có lẽ khách hàng của bạn có một số yêu cầu cụ thể, hoặc có thể bạn chỉ muốn làm tăng yếu tố wow trang web của bạn và thêm một số bánh kẹo mắt hay các hiệu ứng thú. . | 10 Getting the Most out of Your Site Extending Joomla When you ve got your basic Joomla -powered site up and running and you ve got all of your content and functionality covered chances are you ll want more. Maybe your client has some specific requirements or maybe you just want to increase the wow factor of your site and add some eye candy or cool effects. Doing more things with Joomla and make your site stand out from the rest of them that s where extensions come in. The real power of Joomla lies in its extensibility. If you need any functionality that s not built into the basic Joomla installation or core you ll very likely find it in the huge treasure house that s called the Joomla extension database. Extensions are little pieces of software that you can download and install to become part of the backend extending Joomla s capabilities. In this chapter you ll Use Joomla s core extensions Download and install extensions Put extensions to work to enhance the frontend of your site or your backend workspace Getting the Most out of Your Site Extending Joomla Don t let the term extension confuse you some extensions are part of the Joomla core. They are integrated into the basic Joomla package. Many of these provide essential functionality so you can t even uninstall them. Joomla s search function it s menu system or it s Contacts functionality are examples of these pre-installed extensions. This means you already have some extensions experience. As soon as you start using Joomla you deploy extensions. In this chapter we ll focus on the possibilities of some core extensions that we haven t covered yet and also on using third-party extensions. We ll install some must-have extensions and find out how they work. Extensions in all shapes and sizes Before digging into the wonderful world of extensions it s good to know they come in different shapes and sizes. Basically there are three types of extensions The big ones called Components. You manage them through a special .