NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 29. The small but very concise NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases offers 6,000 basic and common English words plus 6,000 basic and common English idioms and phrases. You will find this portable title essential in the classroom, at home, or traveling, when you need help to recall word and phrase meanings. | greedy greedy gri di adj. showing greed desiring money possessions or power too strongly. Adv greedily. Comp greedier sup greediest. green grin 1. n. the color of grass or of the leaves of trees in the summer the color made when blue and yellow are mixed together. Plural only for types and instances. 2. n. a grassy area. 3. adj. of the color of grass. Comp greener sup greenest. 4. adj. unripe not yet ripe or mature. Comp greener sup greenest. 5. adj. without experience young. Figurative on R. Comp greener sup greenest. HAVE A GREEN THUMB green with envy envious jealous. greenhouse grin haus n. irreg. a building with a glass roof and glass walls where the temperature is controlled so that plants can grow inside all year round. Plural .hau z@z . greens n. the leaves of certain plants eaten as food. Treated as plural. greet grit tv. to welcome someone to address someone especially upon meeting or arrival. greeting gri tig n. a word phrase or action such as Hello said or done when meeting someone or when answering the telephone. grew gru past tense of grow. grid grid 1. n. a series of lines arranged vertically and horizontally forming squares especially as found on maps or graphs. 2. n. a series of rods bars or wires arranged as in Q. 3. n. a network of electrical lines spread over a large area a network of roads. grief grif n. sorrow distress. No plural. COME TO GRIEF grill gril 1. n. a grid of metal rods set over a fire on which food is placed to cook a barbecue Q. 2. n. an outdoor stove that cooks food placed on a framework of rows of metal bars. 3. tv. to cook food on Q or @. 4. tv. to question someone forcefully and thoroughly. 5. iv. for food to be cooked on Q or @. grille gril 1. n. a grate above the front bumper of a car in front of the radiator. Compare this with grill. 2. n. a grid of metal bars placed in a door or window. grim grim 1. adj. not likely to turn out well. Adv grimly. Comp grimmer sup grimmest. 2. adj. looking stern and harsh. Adv grimly. Comp .