101 QUICK AND EASY SECRETS FOR USING YOUR DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS- P43:Millions of people around the world have many photos stored on their laptop and desktop computers, external hard drives, CDs and DVDs, and flash drives. Most images are just sitting there idle, waiting for the world to see them. Some have been unused for years. Up until now there has been no guide to help people find ways to use these photos. | Index Numbers 4shared website 78 A acid-free mats 112-114 Action command Window menu 123 Adjustments Black White command Images menu 70 ads websites 166-167 agencies microstock selling pictures 120-121 Album Source website 138 albums. See also posting sharing Facebook 42-44 iPhoto 14-16 MySpace 39-42 Picasa 16-18 prints 14 138 All Your Content command Organize menu 30 American PHOTO Images of the Year Competition website 155 Aminus3 96-98 Andre Gunther Photography website 167 aperture camera settings 103 Armory Show website 175 Art Basel website 175 Art Fair Calendar website 133 art fairs 132-134 175 Art Fairs Inc. website 175 articles Google knols 172 Association of International Photography Art Dealers website 175 Atkins Bob website 164 Audio Fade In command Clip menu 180 Audio Fade Out command Clip menu 180 Automate Contact Sheet command File menu 171 B B H Photo website 192 background 140-141 batches scanning prints 194 Berman Graphics website 129 Berne Copyright Convention 94 Bestcovery website 111 Better Photo website 50 165 BigHugeLabs 161 BigStockPhoto website 121 black and white printing 69-70 Blibs website 21 Blogger blogs creating 92-93 slideshows 185 website 92 98 107 blogs. See also websites camera settings 102-103 captions 99 cell phones 107 CityDailyPhoto 53-54 copyright 93-95 creating Aminus3 96-98 Blogger 92-93 Wordpress 95-96 email 106 Google submitting 98 listing websites 98 moblogs 107 Old Picture of the Day 104 overview 91 promoting 98-99 168 blogs 173 cafes 174-175 email 174 Index 197 Facebook 174 Flickr 173 galleries 174-175 Google 159-160 172 Google knols 172 meters counters 160 pictures 173 Twitter 169-170 174 websites 173 retro pictures 104-105 selecting pictures 101 settings 98 slideshows 184-185 text 99-102 travel 105-106 visitors increasing 98-99 Blogspot website 93 Blur Gaussian Blur command Filter menu 81 books how-to publishing 153-154 self-publishing 156-157 Bravenet website 165 Brite Pix website 195 building websites 164-166 .