101 QUICK AND EASY SECRETS FOR USING YOUR DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS- P44:Millions of people around the world have many photos stored on their laptop and desktop computers, external hard drives, CDs and DVDs, and flash drives. Most images are just sitting there idle, waiting for the world to see them. Some have been unused for years. Up until now there has been no guide to help people find ways to use these photos. | Index 201 M Macintosh iMovie slideshows 178-179 183 magazines publishing 152-153 selling pictures 125-127 maintenance computer 2-3 printers 70 managing pictures iPhoto 14-16 Picasa 16-18 Manipulator website 167 MAT Cutter website 112 Mat Shop website 112 mats 112-114 media outlets publishing 157-159 Meetup groups posting sharing pictures 49-50 memory card readers 23-24 meters counters 160 microstock agencies selling pictures 120-121 moblogs blogs 107 Modify Contract command Select menu 117 MOO website 142-145 Movie command Create menu 182 Movie Maker slideshows 179-181 183 movies. See slideshows My Photos command Profile menu 40 My Picture Town website 7 My Pictures folder 11 My Publisher website 157 My Videos command User Name menu 185 MySpace albums 39-42 N naming pictures 12 99 National Wildlife Federation website 155 Nature s Best Photography Awards website 156 negatives prints 193 New Album command File menu 16 New Folder command File menu 15 New Layer command Layer menu 116-117 New Project command File menu 178 New Smart Album command File menu 15 New Layer command Layer menu 80 New Layer via Copy command Layer menu 81 news organizations publishing 157-159 O Old Picture of the Day website 104 online. See Internet Options command Tools menu 180 Order Prints command Prints menu 72 Organize menu commands All Your Content 30 organizing pictures 11-14 30 scrapbooks 86-87 outdoor fairs 132-134 175 Output to Monitor command Graphics Options menu 48 P Palm Springs Photo Festival website 171 paper printing 64-66 scrapbooks 76-77 87-89 Paris Photo website 175 PayPal 129 166 PE Photo website 71 73 People Search command Contacts menu 29 Perfect Picture School of Photography website 50-51 performance computer 2-3 Performance Information and Tools dialog box 2-3 permissions disk 2 phones cell blogs 107 transferring pictures 25 Photo Critic website 167 photo shows selling pictures 175 Photo Works website 71 website 168 PhotoBiz website 165 Photobucket posting .