The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P18:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition. | 136 Chapter 5 Managing Physical and Logical Disks Creating and Using Simple Volumes Simple volumes are the default volume type on a dynamic disk. Use simple volumes in the following situations You only have one disk in a machine. You are not concerned with fault tolerance. You want the ability to dynamically extend the space used on a volume. Use the following steps to create a simple volume 1. Right-click the unallocated space on the disk on which you want to create a simple volume. 2. Click New Volume on the context will start the New Volume Wizard shown in Figure . 3. Click Next to continue. Figure Creating Simple Volumes 4. On the Select Volume Type window Figure select Simple. 5. Click Next to continue. Figure Selecting Volume Type Managing Physical and Logical Disks Chapter 5 137 6. You will next be prompted to select the disk to use for the simple volume as shown in Figure correct disk should already be selected. If not select it. 7. Select the amount of space to be used for the simple volume and click Next to continue. Figure Selecting Disks to be Used in a Simple Volume 8. Next you need to identify your new volume. Select a drive letter or choose to mount the new volume to an NTFS folder. For this example we assign the new volume the drive letter D as shown in Figure Figure Assigning a Drive Letter or Path 9. Next you can format your new can format the volume as FAT FAT32 or NTFS or you can choose not to format the volume now. For this example choose NTFS as shown in Figure and click Next to continue. 10. You will now see the Completing the New Volume Wizard window as shown in Figure . Read over the summary to verify that you made the correct selections and click Finish to complete the process. 138 Chapter 5 Managing Physical and Logical Disks Figure Formatting Your New Volume Figure Finishing the New Volume WizardCreating and Using Spanned Volumes Spanned volumes enable you