The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P39:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition. | 346 Chapter 9 Active Directory Infrastructure Overview The KCC creates at least two connections to each DC so if one connection fails the other can be used. For example in Figure connections that are functional are shown with a straight line while broken connections are shown with dotted lines. Because one of the four servers in Figure has failed replication data cannot be passed through it so another connection between the servers is used. Using multiple connections provides fault tolerance. Intra-site replication is automated to occur at regular intervals and only occurs when DCs are notified of a change. By default when a change is made on a DC it will wait 15 seconds and then send notification to its closest replication partner. If it has more than one replication partner it will send out notifications in three-second intervals to each additional partner. When a partner receives this notification it will send out a request for updated directory information to the original DC which then responds by sending the updated data. The exception to this process is when an account is locked out the DC account is changed or there are changes in account lockout policy or domain password policy. In these circumstances there is no 15-second waiting period and replication occurs immediately. Replication between sites is called inter-site replication. Because the bandwidth between sites might be slower than that within a site inter-site replication occurs less frequently and is handled differently. Rather than informing other DCs shortly after a change occurs replication occurs at scheduled times. Information about site link objects is used to determine the best link to use for passing this data between sites. Site links are used to define how sites replicate Active Directory information between one objects store data controlling which sites are to replicate traffic between one another and which should be used over others. For example you might have an