After all you have been through, after all the promises given to you plus the studying, the hard work after all the New Year resolutions, starts and stops, honest tries at this and that, doing your best to be good to your neighbor, doing what your daddy and your school teachers told you to do after all that How on earth did this picture below come to be the order of the day ? THE RAT RACE The rat race it | TmMANIFESTO- Your Best Life Guaranteed. In as little as 60 days ADMIT 1 ADMIT 1 yo More Time. 362 More Money. Doing What You Love. The Science Spirituality Behind the Law of Attraction And Exactly How to Make it Work for You in Only 60 Days. INSTEAD OF FORGETTING YOUR DREAMS AND LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS PURSUE THE MEANS TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS THE BIG QUESTION IS After all you have been through after all the promises given to you. plus the studying the hard work. after all the New Year resolutions starts and stops honest tries at this and that doing your best to be good to your neighbor doing what your daddy and your school teachers told you to do. after all that. How on earth did this picture below come to be the order of the day. THE RAT RACE. The rat robs a person of their time and rewards them quite lowly for their efforts relative to what is easily possible for them if only the person were to. Have you ever felt it I mean it does have its good times and benefits this rat race but it also makes it seem as if life is passing you by carrying with it all your unrealized dreams not to mention the chance to live today in a sane manner on your own terms. Doesn t it Consider also. With David Cameron Gikandi Entrepreneur Creative Consultant on The Secret and author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money Someday. Time Stats. Free time to spend with family Free time to indulge in what you truly bve your true passions 21 Time spent working on what you truly love 0 25 Time spent treading water working and maintaining life often doing mundane tasks 54 Current Stuck hero Easily possible tHlt unrealized 17 Holiday vacation free travelling time per year 25 Time Money Exchange 2000 Wealth Financial Freedom Possible wealth potential as you are 110 87 Current wealth as a of desired wealth assets passive cash days people mindset And so the objective of this manifesto is for you to understand what went wrong and when and how to fix it. THE .