Các mẫu thư tiếng Anh sử dụng trong quản lý nhân sự - To health benefits insurer requesting reimbursement for expenses | TO HEALTH BENEFITS INSURER REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], I enclose a completed medical claim form together with receipts totaling $[AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS, ex. $] in respect of [DESCRIBE NATURE OF AMOUNTS PAID, ex. minor surgery administered to our employee, [NAME OF EMPLOYEE]. Kindly provide us with a Check payable to the employee in the above amount. Please address all correspondence to our address noted on our letterhead and marked “Personal and Confidential”. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]