Introducing Windows Azure- P25:The cloud platform is getting more and more attractive to the computing world. Today, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) techniques are widely used in enterprise solutions. A question an IT management team or a software development team may ask is, what is the next trend going to be? Cloud computing seems to be the right answer. | CHAPTER 3 WORKING WITH CLOUD QUEUE AND BLOB STORAGE return private void Initialization if initialized return lock syncObj try Instatiate BlobStorage blobStorage StorageAccountInfo .GetDefaultBlobStorageAccountFromConfiguration blobContainer BLOB CONTAINER NAME Make the container public so that we can hit the URLs from the web new NameValueCollection Instatiate QueueStorage queueStorage StorageAccountInfo .GetDefaultQueueStorageAccountFromConfiguration 3 5 Create a queue to listen blob create request message and register the events MessageQueue requstQueue PAYLOAD CREATE REQUEST QUEUE NAME new MessageReceivedEventHandler OnCreateBlobMessageReceive POLLING INTERVAL Create a queue without to register any event to send the blob created message with blob name to the queue MessageQueue resultsQueue PAYLOAD RESULTS QUEUE NAME Create a queue to listen blob delete request message and register the events MessageQueue deleteQueue 93 CHAPTER 3 WORKING WITH CLOUD QUEUE AND BLOB STORAGE PAYLOAD DELETE QUEUE NAME new MessageReceivedEventHandler OnDeleteBlobMessageReceive POLLING INTERVAL initialized true catch Exception ex LogError 0 Initialization exception caught 1 initialized true private void CreateBlob Message message lock syncObj string logMessage 0 OnMessageReceive message 1 logMessage Log logMessage string blobName .