Introducing Windows Azure- P43:The cloud platform is getting more and more attractive to the computing world. Today, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) techniques are widely used in enterprise solutions. A question an IT management team or a software development team may ask is, what is the next trend going to be? Cloud computing seems to be the right answer. | CHAPTER 6 AZURE .NET SERVICES SERVICE BUS behavior endpointBehaviors behaviors client endpoint name RelayEndpoint contract binding netTcpRelayBinding bindingConfiguration default behaviorConfiguration CardSpaceBehavior address http AddressToBeReplacedInCode client services service name endpoint name RelayEndpoint contract binding netTcpRelayBinding bindingConfiguration default behaviorConfiguration CardSpaceBehavior address service services configuration Listing 6-18. Change the Credential Type to automaticRenewalClientCredentials in the Configuration of ShapeController xml version encoding utf-8 configuration appSettings add key Topic value PublishEventService add key Solution value SoftnetSolutionsServiceBus add key password value 9j Ns R8 7 appSettings bindings netTcpRelayBinding binding name default connectionMode Hybrid security mode None binding netTcpRelayBinding bindings behaviors endpointBehaviors behavior name automaticRenewalClientCredentials transportClientEndpointBehavior credentialType AutomaticRenewal behavior 203 CHAPTER 6 AZURE .NET SERVICES SERVICE BUS endpointBehaviors behaviors client endpoint name RelayEndpoint contract binding netTcpRelayBinding bindingConfiguration default behaviorConfiguration automaticRenewalClientCredentials address http AddressToBeReplacedInCode client services service name endpoint name RelayEndpoint contract binding netTcpRelayBinding bindingConfiguration default behaviorConfiguration automaticRenewalClientCredentials address service services configuration In Chapter 3 we discussed Azure Queue .