Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P5:Every day, computer professionals the world over wake up, travel to the office, sit down in front of a computer, and begin another day working with that database called Oracle. Programmers write queries and stored procedures. Database administrators monitor performance, make database changes, and perform other maintenance tasks. Operations people may need to back up or recover a database. | previous page page_18 next page Page 18 2 Interacting with SQL Plus. In this chapter Starting SQL Plus Some Basic SQL Plus Commands Running SQL Queries Working with PL SQL The SQL Buffer Line Editing Executing the Statement in the Buffer Saving and Retrieving the Buffer The EDIT Command Executing a Script The Working Directory This chapter shows you the rudiments of interacting with SQL Plus. The first part of this chapter shows how to start SQL Plus and connect to a database. You will then read about a few basic SQL Plus commands you can use to get started. Following that are some examples showing how to enter SQL statements and PL SQL blocks. The remainder of the chapter focuses on editing your SQL and PL SQL. There is extensive coverage of the built-in line-editing commands and you will also see how you can work with an external editor such as Windows Notepad. Starting SQL Plus How you start SQL Plus varies somewhat between operating systems and also depends on whether you are operating in a GUI environment such as Windows NT or a command-line environment such as DOS or Unix. Generally speaking though if you are using a command-line operating system you use the SQLPLUS command. On case-sensitive operating systems such as Unix the command must be entered in lowercase as sqlplus. If you are using Windows or another GUIbased operating system you click or double-click on an icon. Command-Line Versus GUI Versions There are two variations of SQL Plus command-line and GUI. The command-line implementation was the original and is the one shipped with Oracle for Unix VMS and other command-line operating systems. A command-line version even page_18 previous page next page previous page page_19 next page Page 19 ships with the Windows client software in case you want to invoke SQL Plus from a DOS prompt. For Microsoft Windows Oracle has also developed a GUI implementation which wraps the SQL Plus command-line environment in a standard window complete with scrollbars .