Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P47:Every day, computer professionals the world over wake up, travel to the office, sit down in front of a computer, and begin another day working with that database called Oracle. Programmers write queries and stored procedures. Database administrators monitor performance, make database changes, and perform other maintenance tasks. Operations people may need to back up or recover a database. | previous page page_423 next page Page 423 A SQL Plus Command Reference. SQLPLUS The SQLPLUS command is used from the operating system prompt to start SQL Plus and is discussed in Chapter 2 Interacting with SQL Plus. SQLPLUS -SILENT username password @connect NOLOG @scriptfile argl arg2 arg3. - - where SQLPLUS Is the command to use when invoking SQL Plus. On a Unix system this will be lowercase sqlplus. From Windows or MS-DOS you may need to use PLUS80 or PLUS80W. Beginning with release the command under Windows or from a DOS prompt will always be SQLPLUS. -S ILENT Tells SQL Plus to run in silent mode. No startup messages such as the copyright message will be displayed. No command prompt will be displayed and no commands will be echoed to the screen. This is useful if you are invoking SQL Plus from within some other program and you want to do it transparently. Normally you would use this option in conjunction with invoking a script file. username Is your database username. password Is your database password. previous page page_423 next page previous page page_424 next page Page 424 connect Is the connect string or host string telling SQL Plus the database to which you want to connect. Use a forward slash instead of your username password and connect string when you want to connect to a local database using operating-system authentication. NOLOG Tells SQL Plus not to connect you to any database at all. You will get a SQL prompt but you must issue a CONNECT command before you can do much else. scriptfile Is the name of a SQL Plus script file you want to run. SQL Plus will start up execute the file then exit. arg1 arg2 arg3 Are optional command-line arguments to pass to your script. You can have as many as your script requires. Arguments are separated from each other by at least one space. - Causes SQL Plus to display a short summary of the SQLPLUS syntax. - Causes SQL Plus to display version and copyright information. Comment Delimiters . The and delimiters may .