Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P53:Every day, computer professionals the world over wake up, travel to the office, sit down in front of a computer, and begin another day working with that database called Oracle. Programmers write queries and stored procedures. Database administrators monitor performance, make database changes, and perform other maintenance tasks. Operations people may need to back up or recover a database. | previous page page_480 ALL views continued ALL_SYNONYMS view 192 218 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view 184-186 193 ALL_TABLES view 177 182-184 193 ALL_TAB_PRIVS view 192 222 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view 191 214 ALL_TRIGGERS view 190 214 ALL_USERS view 176 allocating cursors 260 ALL_ROWS hint 302 ALTER DATABASE command archive log mode 346-348 351 ALTER SESSION command formatting dates 107 ALTER USER command changing password with 27 ampersand with substitution variables 128-132 changing for variable substitution 151 escaping 147-148 marking variables 124 prompting for variable values 124 example 257 259-262 AND_EQUAL hint 303-304 AND-EQUAL operation EXPLAIN PLAN 289 ANSI ISO SQL92 syntax conformance checks 409 A PPEND command 42 45 428 APPEND hint 307 APP END parameter next page Page 480 COPY command 436 SAVE command 55-56 457 STORE command 464 APPI NFO setting 404-405 application queries testing 242 application security see security ARCH process 340 starting 348 archive destination value 340 349 archive information viewing 339 416 ARCHIVE LOG command 339 348 428 archive log mode turning off 351 turning on 346-348 ARCHIVELOG parameter ALTER DATABASE 347 archiving databases 345-351 ARRAY SIZE setting 405 AS keyword CONNECT command 31 328 442 asterisk identifying errors in SQL statements 52 line editing keyword 43 48 443 448 at sign @ @ command 62 425 @@ command 426 ATTRIBUTE command 112-115 429 AUFI Advanced User Friendly Interface 7 authentication 19 connecting using 25 AUTO COMMIT setting 406 file. loading with GET 57 Automatic archival value 340 349 AUTOP RINT setting 386 autorecovery 354 416 AUTORECOVERY setting 354 416 AUTOT RACE setting 292-297 415 AVG parameter COMPUTE command 98 440 AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY column ALL_INDEXES 189 AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY column ALL_INDEXES 189 AVG_ROW_LEN column ALL_TABLES 184 AVG_SPACE column ALL_TABLES 184 AVG_SPACE_FREELIST_BLOCKS column ALL_TABLES 184 B. BACKED_UP column ALL_TABLES 183 backing up databases .