Networking: A Beginner’s Guide Fifth Edition- P32:I have run into many people over the years who have gained good even impressive working knowledge of PCs, operating systems, applications, and common problems and solutions. Many of these people are wizards with desktop computers. | Chapter 10 Connections from Afar Remote Network Access 137 shows a typical login screen after browsing to the SSL VPN s URL. If you deploy an SSL VPN this screen would be customized with your own company s logo and other information. SSL VPNs can authenticate users using a variety of different techniques including the following Through user names and passwords defined in the SSL VPN for each user. Through integration with an existing authentication system such as Windows Active Directory. Choosing this option lets remote users use their normal network user name and password and the SSL VPN then integrates with the preexisting authentication system on the network. Through the integration of a two-factor authentication system. Two-factor authentication systems usually include a small device for each user that displays a number that changes every minute or so. Users log in by typing the number on the device at the time they are logging on plus an additional number that is known only to them sort of like an ATM PIN . Two-factor authentication systems are extremely secure because the devices use a randomized sequence of numbers known only to a secure server installed in the network. Once users log in to an SSL VPN they are shown a home page that displays all of the connection options available to them such as the example shown in Figure 10-8. The choices available to a remote user may include the following Access to a remote node connection through the SSL VPN Access to other web servers on the company s network such as a corporate intranet site which are not normally accessible through the Internet Access to e-mail either through an application like Web Outlook or through a web-enabled e-mail client provided by the SSL VPN The ability to perform web-based file management through the SSL VPN files that are managed might be hosted on Windows- or UNIX-based servers Access to shared corporate applications that have been set up to work through the SSL VPN such as an .