We would like to acknowledge the work of professionals in the diverse fields of family social science, economics, insurance, finance, and tax, which over decades has built a base of knowledge that allows us to develop a book such as this. Specifically, we would like to thank Karl and Amy Locke, insurance profes- sionals at Locke and Associates; David Cordova, CPA; and Mike Gegen, first vice president at Dain Rauscher, Inc., for sharing their specialized knowledge with us. | From the Bestselling Authors of Fighting or Your Marriage You Paid How Much for That How to Win at Money Without Losing - at Love UK. w Pl J r Natalie H. Jenkins Scott M. Stanley William C. Bailey Howard J. Markman YOU PAID HOW MUCH FOR THAT How to Win at Money Without Losing at Love Natalie H. Jenkins Scott M. Stanley William C. Bailey Howard J. Markman JOSSEY-BASS WMF A Wiley Company .