SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API- P23: The operating system and SAS version that are associated with a given host are now available through the WHHOST property. For example, you can write a SAS/Warehouse Administrator add-in that reads the host metadata that is associated with a given data store and then uses these values to generate code that is appropriate for the operating system and SAS version. | SAS Warehouse Administrator Metadata Types A WHDYNSAS 107 Using WHDYNLIB Add Update Delete No No No WHDYNLIB is an independent type like its parent WHLIBRY. To understand how all subtypes of WHLIBRY relate to other types see the physical storage models in Relationships Among Metadata Types on page 53. WHDYNSAS Metadata type for dynamically generated SAS physical stores Category Physical Storage Types Parent WHSASSTR on page 231 Overview WHDYNSAS models the metadata for dynamically generated SAS physical stores in SAS Warehouse Administrator. The WHDYNSAS type is a placeholder for tables that do not currently support the definition of both physical information and ACCESS information tables that do not have a Physical Storage tab in their property windows. Properties WHDYNSAS has the same properties as its parent WHSASSTR on page 231. However unlike WHSASSTR properties WHDYNSAS properties cannot be written through the metadata API. They can only be read. Using WHDYNSAS Add Update Delete No No No WHDYNSAS is a dependent type like its parent WHSASSTR. To understand how subtypes of WHSASSTR relate to other types see the physical storage model for WHSASSTR in Relationships Among Metadata Types on page 53. 108 WHDYNSRC A Chapter 3 WHDYNSRC Metadata type for dynamically generated source code entries in SAS catalogs Category Text File Types Parent WHSRCCAT on page 236 Overview WHDYNSRC models the metadata for dynamically generated source code catalog entries in SAS Warehouse Administrator. These entries are generated when you select the View Code All or Step option for a table in the Process Editor. Properties The following table lists all of the properties for WHDYNSRC and indicates how you can use each property with metadata API methods. In the table you can pass properties with a Yes in the Add column to the _ADD_METADATA_ method. Use this method to add a new object. You can pass properties with a Yes in the Update column to the _UPDATE_METADATA_ method. Use this method