SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API- P50: The operating system and SAS version that are associated with a given host are now available through the WHHOST property. For example, you can write a SAS/Warehouse Administrator add-in that reads the host metadata that is associated with a given data store and then uses these values to generate code that is appropriate for the operating system and SAS version. | 242 WHSRVNUL Chapter 3 SYSIN FILENAME indicates a 200-character string that identifies the location where the job sysin resides. This follows the SYSIN option in the command string. TRACKING indicates a numeric indicator that states whether the scheduling server has a job track enabled. Valid values are 0 disabled 1 a job track enabled. Using WHSRVCRN Add Update Delete No No No WHSRVCRN is an independent type. To understand how scheduling servers relate to other types see the metadata models on the foldout at the back of this document. WHSRVNUL Metadata type for the null scheduling server Category Global Metadata Types Parent WHSERV on page 235 Overview The WHSRVNUL type models the metadata for a null scheduling server. Properties The following table lists all of the properties for WHSRVNUL and indicates how you can use each property with metadata API methods. In the table you can pass properties with a Yes in the Add column to the _ADD_METADATA_ method. Use this method to add a new object. You can pass properties with a Yes in the Update column to the _UPDATE_METADATA_ method. Use this method to update properties of an existing object. Req indicates that the property is required you must provide a value for this property when you use a given method. Default indicates that the system will provide a default value for that property if you do not provide one. Properties with a Yes in the Read Method Expand Parm column are valid with the expand parameter of the _GET_METADATA_ method. This method enables you to get detailed metadata about a property and its associated objects through a single method call. SAS Warehouse Administrator Metadata Types A WHSRVNUL 243 Properties Type Add Method Update Method Read Method Expand Parm. Command C No No No Cvalue C No No No Desc C No No No Extended L No No Yes Attributes Generated Source C No No No Code Host L No No No Icon C No No No Id C No No No Jobs L No No No Local Work L No No No Directory Log Filename C No No No Metadata .