Active Directory Cookbook for windows server 2003- P22:If you are familiar with the O'Reilly Cookbook format that can be seen in other popular books, such as the Perl Cookbook, Java Cookbook, and DNS and BIND Cookbook, then the layout of this book will not be anything new to you. The book is composed of 18 chapters, each containing 10-30 recipes for performing a specific Active Directory task. Within each recipe are four sections: problem, solution, discussion, and see also. | Solution Using a graphical user interface 1. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. 2. In the left pane right-click on the domain and select Find. 3. Select the appropriate domain beside In. 4. Beside Name type the name of the user and click Find Now. 5. In the Search Results double-click on the user. 6. Click the Profile tab. 7. Modify the various profile settings as necessary. 8. Click OK. Using a command-line interface dsmod user UserDN -loscr ScriptPath -profile ProfilePath - hmdir RETURN HomeDir -hmdrv DriveLetter Using VBScript This code sets the various profile related attributes for a user. strUserDN UserDN . cn jsmith cn Users dc rallencorp dc com set objUser GetObject LDAP strUserDN homeDirectory fileserver sAMAccountName homeDrive z profilePath fileserver sAMAccountName profile scriptPath Profile info for sAMAccountName updated Discussion The four attributes that make up a user s profile settings include the following homeDirectory UNC path to home directory homeDrive Drive letter . z to map home directory profilePath UNC path to profile directory scriptPath 221 Path to logon script When you set the homeDirectory attribute the folder being referenced needs to already exist. For an example on creating shares for users see MS KB 234746. See Also MS KB 234746 How to Create User Shares for All Users in a Domain with ADSI MS KB 271657 Scripted Home Directory Paths Require That Folders Exist and MS KB 320043 HOW TO Assign a Home Directory to a User Recipe Viewing a User s Managed Objects Problem You want to view the objects owned by a user. Solution Using a graphical user interface 1. Open ADSI Edit. 2. If an entry for the naming context you want to browse is not already displayed do the following 3. Right-click on ADSI Edit in the right pane