Bộ câu hỏi tuyển dụng mẫu - Câu hỏi phỏng vấn ứng viên vị trí chăm sóc khách hàng | Phỏng vấn vi trí chăm sóc khác hàng Customer Service Stt English VietNamese 1 What are the steps involved in successfully handling an irate customer? Your steps should include listening to the customer, letting the customer vent, identifying the problem, trying to solve the problem, and following-up with the customer. 2 What does good customer service involve? 3 Tell us about how you have handled a dissatisfied customer in the past. 4 Tell us about your experience in dealing with the public. The more public or customer contact the better. Include a situation where you provided exemplary service. 5 A citizen becomes irate because his permit application cannot be found. How will you handle the citizen? 6 A salesperson comes in to talk to your boss without an appointment. How will you handle the salesperson? 7 What do you think your customers would say about your work? 8 Give us an example of a situation you handled exemplifying superior customer service. 9 Tell us about a situation in which you dealt with a customer and what you would have done differently. 10 How would you handle a customer who used abusive language? 11 Tell us about your experience in working a public service counter. 12 A citizen calls in and states that one of your companys trucks ran over her mailbox. How will you handle the citizen? 13 Name five criteria essential to establishing effective service standards. 14 Name some of the criteria that may be included in a citizen satisfaction survey. 15 What are some of the ways to measure customer/user satisfaction? 16 What steps can you take to establish a "customer first" attitude in the organization? 17 In what ways can an organization transfer a "customer first" attitude to the Internet? 18 Tell us about the customer service training programs that you have implemented. 19 In what manner can business processes reinforce customer service training? --