Design Creativity 2010 part 3. What is ‘design creativity’? It is impossible to answer this question without considering why human beings can – and do – ‘design’. Design creativity is instrumental in not only addressing social problems faced across the world, but also evoking an innate appreciation for beauty and a sense of personal contentment. | Discussion on Direction of Design Creativity Research Part 2 - Research Issues and Methodologies From the Viewpoint of Deep Feelings and Desirable Figure Yukari Nagai1 and Toshiharu Taura2 1 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Japan 2 Kobe University Japan Abstract. On the basis of our definition of design as composing a desirable figure towards the future research issues and methodologies are discussed in this article. First we point out three research issues which we call the insideoutside issue the issue of the abstraction process and the back-and-forth issue. Throughout this discussion these issues will help us to identify the significance of a conceptcomposing process concept synthesis that is pushed from the source of deep feelings. Next these issues serve to introduce three potential methodologies of design research namely internal observation computational simulation and theoretical modeling. Further the authors demonstrate an example of the design of a desirable motion by assuming that an emotional and creative motion extends beyond the images produced by the human ordinal imagination which in order to resonate with the feelings residing deep within us. Finally they indicate open issues for further discussion. Keywords design design creativity design theoretics research methodology deep feelings 1 Introduction In the previous article we have identified the features of design and creativity in post-industrial society and proposed a new definition of design as composing a desirable figure toward the future a definition that is expected to extend beyond the framework of a problem-solving paradigm Taura and Nagai 2010 . We designate the discipline of design with regard to this definition as design theoretics. We discuss the key issues in design theoretics. First we point out the research issues. Next we introduce potential methodologies. Further we demonstrate an example of the desirable design. 2 Research Issues in Design Theoretics According .