Design Creativity 2010 part 4. What is ‘design creativity’? It is impossible to answer this question without considering why human beings can – and do – ‘design’. Design creativity is instrumental in not only addressing social problems faced across the world, but also evoking an innate appreciation for beauty and a sense of personal contentment. | Future Directions for Design Creativity Research 19 assumes that the representation of the source and target are congruent and hence the matching process is directly applicable. Future research questions in design by analogy include how can representations of potential sources be constructed to match the target s representation can the representation of the target be constructed to match that of the potential source does context change the process used for locating potential sources what is the effect of context on matching in potential sources does experience change the process used for locating potential sources Biomimetic design Biomimetic design is a specialization of design by analogy where the sources come from natural biology. Future research questions in biomimetic design include can the biological processes that produce desired behaviors be generalized can different biological processes that produce the same behavior be identified can a set of biological processes be accessed through intended behaviors is there a base set of biological processes involved in the production of most of the behaviors Collaborative design processes Collaborative design occurs when two or more designers work on producing a design through their interactions. The designers do not make a team where a team involves the development of a continuing common ground of understanding the behaviors of others members of the team. Collaborative design occurs when two or more designers who have not worked together previously and there is no expectation that they will work together again are brought together for the production of a single design over a relatively short period. Future research questions for collaborative design processes for design creativity include what are the effects of synchronous compared to asynchronous collaboration what are the effects of co-location compared to remote location what are the effects of the use of tools what are the effects of asymmetry in the