Heat Transfer Handbook part 65. The Heat Transfer Handbook provides succinct hard data, formulas, and specifications for the critical aspects of heat transfer, offering a reliable, hands-on resource for solving day-to-day issues across a variety of applications. | REFERENCES 633 Rothman L. S. Camy-Peyret C. Flaud . Gamache R. R. Goldman A. Goorvitch D. Hawkins R. L. Schroeder J. Selby J. E. A. and Wattson R. B. 2000 . HITEMP the High-Temperature Molecular Spectroscopic Database J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 62 511-562. Schmidt E. and Eckert E. R. G. 1935 . Über die Richtung sverteilnng der Wärmestrahlung von Oberflachen Forsch. Geb. Ingenieurwes. 7 175. Siegel R. and Howell J. R. 1992 . Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer 4th ed. Taylor and Francis New York. Smith T. F. Shen Z. F. and Friedman J. N. 1982 . Evaluation of Coefficients for the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model J. Heat Transfer 104 602-608. Taine J. and Soufiani A. 1999 . Gas IR Radiative Properties From Spectroscopic Data to Approximate Models Vol. 33 Academic Press New York pp. 295-414. Touloukian Y. S. and DeWitt D. P. eds. 1970 . Thermal Radiative Properties Metallic Elements and Alloys Vol. 7 of Thermophysical Properties of Matter Plenum Press New York. Touloukian Y. S. and DeWitt D. P. eds. 1972 . Thermal Radiative Properties Nonmetallic Solids Vol. 8 of Thermophysical Properties of Matter Plenum Press New York. Touloukian Y. S. DeWitt D. P. and Hernicz R. S. eds. 1973 . Thermal Radiative Properties Coatings Vol. 9 of Thermophysical Properties of Matter Plenum Press New York. Weast R. C. ed. 1988 . CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 68th ed. Chemical Rubber Company Cleveland OH. White F. M. 1984 . Heat Transfer Addison-Wesley Reading MA. CHAPTER 9 Boiling JOHN Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer Faculty of Engineering Science Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland Introduction to boiling heat transfer Boiling curve Boiling nucleation Introduction Nucleation superheat Size range of active nucleation sites Nucleation site density Bubble dynamics Bubble growth Bubble departure Bubble departure frequency Pool boiling heat transfer Nucleate .