Last spring, I released The Emerging Digital Economy, the Department of Commerce’s first report measuring the development of electronic commerce. I wrote then that the report aimed to provide us with a clearer understanding of the "promise" of electronic commerce – "a future with more opportunity and prosperity" for all Americans | U. S. D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M E R C E The EMERGING DIGITAL ECONOMY II JUNE 1999 THE EMERGING DIGITAL ECONOMY II ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Office of Policy Development AUTHORS David Henry dhenry@ Patricia Buckley Gurmukh Gill Sandra Cooke sandra. cooke@mail. Jess Dumagan Dennis Pastore Susan LaPorte CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jeffrey Mayer Director of Policy Development ESA j . Lee Price Chief Economist ESA . For further information contact Secretariat on Electronic Commerce U. S. Department of Commerce Washington DC 20230 202 482-8369 http THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Washington DC 20230 Last spring I released The Emerging Digital Economy the Department of Commerce s first report measuring the development of electronic commerce. I wrote then that the report aimed to provide us with a clearer understanding of the promise of electronic commerce - a future with more opportunity and prosperity for all Americans. That promise is being fulfilled. This past year electronic commerce has grown beyond almost everyone s expectations. Every day more people are finding new ways to provide innovative products and services electronically. The Internet is changing the way businesses do business from the acquisition and servicing of customers to the management of their relations with suppliers. It is revolutionizing our access to information and the way we communicate shop and entertain ourselves. While the numbers are still small when compared to our overall economy they are growing more rapidly and provide more evidence that electronic commerce will be the engine for economic growth in the next century. This year s report provides more information about that growth and the changes that are taking place in our economy. It details the extraordinary .